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Guest Editorial
Pierpaolo Belardinelli, Kiran X. D'Souza, Grzegorz Orzechowski, and Hiroyuki Sugiyama J. Comput. Nonlinear Dynam. July 2024, 19(7): 070301 We are delighted to present this special issue featuring selected papers from the 19th International Conference on Multibody Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, and Control (MSNDC), held in conjunction with the 2023 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering conference. The MSNDC conference is a premier meeting event for professional networking and research exchange within the multibody systems and nonlinear dynamics research community. The 2023 edition of the MSNDC conference was held in Boston, MA, Aug. 20–23, 2023. It featured nearly 70 technical presentations that covered both traditional and emerging topics in multibody systems and nonlinear dynamics. Conference papers recommended by reviewers and organizers were selected, considering the balance of topics in the areas of multibody systems and nonlinear dynamics. These selected papers, extended for journal publication, were subjected to the standard review process of the ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics (JCND) for inclusion in this special issue. The thirteen papers presented in this special issue encompass a broad range of topics central to both MSNDC and JCND, including nonlinear finite element methods for multibody dynamics; machine learning approach for human-robot collaboration; Lie group time integration; data-driven modeling of vehicle-water interaction; surrogate model for hydraulic actuators; data-driven time stepping schemes; chaotic vibration; rotor dynamics; nonlinear vibration absorber; local resonators for nonlinear metamaterials; velocity control of a motor with integral retarded controller; and nonlinear normal modes with contact nonlinearity. As such, new theoretical, computational, and data-driven approaches in various areas are presented in this issue. We are grateful for the opportunity to organize this special issue, highlighting the notable research contributions presented and discussed at the MSNDC conference in 2023. We extend our special appreciation to the Editor in Chief of JCND, Professor Bogdan I. Epureanu, and the Assistant to the Editor, Amy Suski, for their support. Copyright © 2024 by ASME Research Papers The Finite Element Method in Time for Multibody Dynamics Olivier A. Bauchau Reducing the Constrained Multibody Dynamics Problem to the Solution of a System of Ordinary Differential Equations Via Velocity Partitioning and Lie Group Integration Alexandra Kissel, Luning Bakke, and Dan Negrut Simulation-Driven Universal Surrogates of Coupled Mechanical Systems: Real-Time Simulation of a Forestry Crane Qasim Khadim, Emil Kurvinen, Aki Mikkola, and Grzegorz Orzechowski Influence of Unbalance and Differential Pressure on the Stability of Vertical Rotor-Seal System Shogo Kimura, Tsuyoshi Inoue, Hiroo Taura, and Akira Heya Hand Vibration Reduction Using Nonlinear Vibration Absorber for the Vibro-Impact Hammer Model Oreoluwa Alabi, SunitKumar Gupta, and Oumar R. Barry Nonsmooth Reduced Interface Models and Their Use in Co-Simulation of Mechanical Systems Ali Raoofian, Xu Dai, and József Kövecses Introduction of Local Resonators to a Nonlinear Metamaterial With Topological Features Joshua LeGrande, Arun Malla, Mohammad Bukhari, and Oumar Barry A Hybrid Continuation Framework for Analyzing Nonlinear Normal Modes of Systems With Contact Nonlinearity Shih-Chun Huang and Meng-Hsuan Tien The Presence of Chaos in a Viscoelastic Harmonically Forced Von Mises Truss Pritam Ghoshal, James M. Gibert, and Anil K. Bajaj Modeling of Vehicle Mobility in Shallow Water With Data-Driven Hydrodynamics Model Hiroki Yamashita, Juan Ezequiel Martin, Nathan Tison, Arkady Grunin, Paramsothy Jayakumar, and Hiroyuki Sugiyama Physics-Guided Machine Learning Approach to Safe Quasi-Static Impact Situations in Human–Robot Collaboration Nemanja Kovinčić, Hubert Gattringer, Andreas Müller, and Mathias Brandstötter Overview of Design Considerations for Data-Driven Time-Stepping Schemes Applied to Nonlinear Mechanical Systems Tomas Slimak, Andreas Zwölfer, Bojidar Todorov, and Daniel J. Rixen Technical Brief Direct Current Motor Velocity Control With Integral Retarded Controller Under Unintentional Delay Haonan Fan, Adrián Ramírez, Sabine Mondié, and Rifat Sipahi
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Announcing the ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics 2023 Best Paper Award10/18/2024 The JCND Best Paper Award is presented annually to a paper published in the previous calendar year, as a recognition by the Editor in Chief (EIC) and the Associate Editors (AEs) for outstanding contributions to the field of computational and nonlinear dynamics.
We are pleased to announce that the 2023 Best Paper Award Winner is Hutchison, C., Hewlett, J., and Kövecses, J. (March 2, 2023). "Wavelet-Based Methods to Partition Multibody Systems With Contact in Dynamic Simulation." ASME. J. Comput. Nonlinear Dynam. April 2023; 18(4): 041002. Congratulations to its authors: Joe Hewlett Senior Software Developer – Dynamics CM Labs Simulations p: 514 287 1166 x 362 | Jozsef Kovecses Department of Mechanical Engineering and Centre for Intelligent Machines McGill University Chantal Hutchison Department of Mechanical Engineering and Centre for Intelligent Machines McGill University Selection of the Best Paper Award is based on the expected impact of the paper on the field of computational and nonlinear dynamics, and is initiated by nominations from the journal AEs. The selection of the winner is made by the EIC and AEs through a simple majority vote. In selecting and evaluating papers for the Best Paper Award, JCND is committed to ensuring diversity, equity, and inclusion, welcoming submissions from all authors regardless of their individual background. The ASME Technical Committee on Multibody System and Nonlinear Dynamics (TC-MSND) supports this award by offering a complimentary IDETC registration and organizing an MSNDC special session for an invited presentation by one of the authors of the winning paper, as well as with a $1,000 award prize to be shared among all authors. Each author will also receive a wall plaque. We would like to congratulate all the award recipients and look forward to future collaborations with the stellar community of ASME authors, reviewers, editors, and staff. Bogdan Epureanu Editor in Chief, ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
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Position Description
A post-doctoral researcher position is available in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Maryland, College Park. The successful candidate, who can start as early as May 2024, will join a multi-university, multi-disciplinary research team, which will be studying disorder-influenced collective dynamics of nonlinear oscillator systems. A primary responsibility of the selected candidate will be to conduct experimental and computational investigations into several types of optical and mechanical oscillator arrays, including coupled optical ring resonators, circular and linear arrays of coupled mechanical oscillators, and complement these investigations with nonlinear analysis. Desired Qualifications, Skills, and Experience Qualified candidates will have a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Applied Physics, or equivalent. Academic preparation, skills, and experience related to one or more of these areas is sought: a) nonlinear oscillator physics, b) noise-influenced dynamics, c) programming, d) chip scale optical resonators and fabrication of them, e) plasmonic-phononic resonators, and f) perturbation methods. Application Process To apply, submit the following to Professor B. Balachandran ([email protected]) by e-mail with the subject line “UMD MURI Postdoc Application – Last Name, First Name” : i) a cover letter describing background, skills, and interests, ii) CV, iii) names of two references, and iv) one or two relevant publications.
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2023 Reviewer Awards & Recognition3/4/2024 ![]() J. Comput. Nonlinear Dynam. Apr 2024, 19(4): 040201 The Reviewers of the Year Award is given to reviewers who have made an outstanding contribution to the journal in terms of the quantity, quality, and turnaround time of reviews completed during the past 12 months. The prize includes a Wall Plaque, 50 free downloads from the ASME Digital Collection, and a one year free subscription to the journal. 2023 Reviewers of the Year Eduardo Reis— Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Guo-Cheng Wu—Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China Josu Aguirrebeitia—University of the Basque Country, Spain Francesco Clementi—Universita Politecnica delle Marche, Italy List of Reviewers
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Guest EditorialOumar Barry, Pierpaolo Belardinelli, Teresa Berruti, and Radu Serban J. Comput. Nonlinear Dynam. Aug 2023, 18(8): 080301 We are delighted to bring to the readers of the ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics (JCND) a special issue dedicated to select papers from the 18th International Conference on Multibody Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, and Control (MSNDC), held during the 2022 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering (IDETC-CIE) Conferences. In the last few years, it has become a tradition to collate such a Special Issue with some of the most interesting and relevant papers presented at MSNDC. At its 18th edition in 2022, MSNDC is the main conference in multibody dynamics and nonlinear control in the United States and provides an international venue where researchers and practitioners present an early glimpse into their highest-quality research and development. JCND was established in 2005, at the initiative of the ASME Technical Committee (TC-MSND) that is also organizing the annual MSNDC conferences. Under the steady and effective leadership of its past (Subhash C. Sinha, Ahmed Shabana, and Bala Balachandran) and current (Bogdan Epureanu) Editors-in-Chief, JCND has become a premier ASME journal which “serves as a forum for the exchange of new ideas and applications in computational dynamics, multibody system dynamics, and all aspects (analytical, numerical, and experimental) of dynamics associated with nonlinear systems.” It is in this spirit that we share with you some of the most exciting work presented at MSNDC-2022. Held as the first in-person meeting after the global Covid pandemic, the 2022 edition of the IDETC-CIE conferences took place in St. Louis, MS, August 14–17, 2022. With the world emerging from the constraints imposed by the pandemic and with travel safety and security limitations still in place, the IDETC-CIE conferences nonetheless managed to attract a relatively large number of submissions and participants. With this special issue we want to bring to the readership of JCND and to those colleagues of ours who were unable to attend the in-person conference some of the highlights of the MSNDC conference; furthermore, we hope to use this mechanism to remind the community at large of the ASME IDETC-CIE conferences and their continuing impact on the field over the years and encourage higher participation; finally, we aim to benefit JCND and its readership by presenting recent and innovative work in the core topics of the journal. Selected from the papers recommended by the conference paper reviewers and symposium organizers for the MSNDC Best Paper award, manuscripts considered for this special issue underwent the conference review process, an additional scoring for the MSNDC Best Paper competition, and finally the standard JCND review process. The twelve papers that comprise the final special issue cover a spectrum of topics central to both MSNDC and JCND. They present both theoretical and applied research, as well as both analytical and computational approaches to problems in diverse areas, ranging from frictional contact in nonlinear finite element analysis, to optimal control, nonlinear stability analysis, terramechanics, servo-controlled precision motion, swarm robotics, aerodynamic stability, and to nonlinear dynamics in atomic force microscopy. We are indeed very happy to have had the opportunity to organize this special issue. Special thanks to Prof. Bogdan I. Epureanu for giving us this opportunity and to Amy Suski for helping us greatly at every step of the process. It was great working as a team on this project and we are excited to see it come to life. Copyright © 2023 by ASME Research PapersA pnh-Adaptive Refinement Procedure for Numerical Optimal Control Problems
Lorenzo Bartali, Marco Gabiccini, Massimo Guiggiani Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Rotating Systems Using Lyapunov Characteristic Exponents Estimated From Multibody Dynamics Gianni Cassoni, Andrea Zanoni, Aykut Tamer, Pierangelo Masarati On Practical Aspects of Variational Consistency in Contact Dynamics Antonio Recuero, Alexander Lindsay Non-Smooth Dynamics of Tapping Mode Atomic Force Microscopy Pierpaolo Belardinelli, Abhilash Chandrashekar, Farbod Alijani, Stefano Lenci Stability and Bifurcation Analysis of Precision Motion Stage With Nonlinear Friction Isolator Sunit K. Gupta, Ehab E. Basta, Oumar R. Barry Vibration Analysis of a Nonlinear Absorber Coupled to a Hand-Held Impact Machine Oreoluwa Alabi, Sunit Kumar Gupta, Oumar R. Barry Real-Time Simulation of Ground Vehicles on Deformable Terrain Radu Serban, Jay Taves, Zhenhao Zhou Period-1 Motions to Twin Spiral Homoclinic Orbits in the Rössler System Siyuan Xing, Albert C. J. Luo Identification of Asymmetric Bouc–Wen Hysteresis Under Intense Noise by Only Measuring Acceleration Qinghua Liu, Junyi Cao Evaluation and Modification of Kinetic Gas Collision Theory as Applied to Encounter Rate Dynamics for Multi-Robot Groups and Robot Swarms Adam Schroeder, Glenn Lipscomb Stability Analysis of a One Degree of Freedom Robot Model With Sampled Digital Acceleration Feedback Controller in Turning and Milling Andras Bartfai, Asier Barrios, Zoltan Dombovari Comparison of the Hysteresis Response of Super-Coiled Polymer Actuators Josh H. P. Henry, Jacqueline Bridge
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J. Comput. Nonlinear Dynam., June 2023, Volume 18, Issue 6 J. Mechanisms Robotics, June 2023, Volume 15, Issue 3 Guest Editors: Andreas Mueller, Jozsef Kovecses, Charles Kim, Chandramouli Padmanabhan, and Gabor Orosz Robots are complex controlled dynamical systems interacting with their environment. Agile robotic systems have been penetrating almost all industrial sectors as the backbone for industrial automation, ranging from heavy duty manipulators to collaborative robots (cobots) and mobile platforms for logistics tasks. Currently, autonomous vehicles (e.g., cars, mobile delivery systems, drones, inspection, and maintenance) are entering the public sector, but also the use of surgical robots is becoming an integral part of medical treatments. In a foreseeable future, assistive robots for domestic use will become indispensable for caretaking and as exoskeletal devices providing physical support thus physically interacting with humans. Future robots need to be responsive; they must (inter)act safely, minimize the use of resources (energy, material, process-, development-, and commissioning-time), and adapt to variations in demands and environmental conditions.
Advanced robotic systems are equipped with multimodal sensory systems, and are operated with model-based and model-free control schemes. Yet, the mechanical embodiment is the starting point of any robot design. Key to a reliable design and control of such robots are holistic design approaches embracing kinematic synthesis, dynamic analysis, control, sensory perception, and adaptability. Novel mechanical design principles, combining high-fidelity kinematic and dynamic models with data-driven methods, are applied along with model-free machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) methods. The foundation is a synergetic combination of research in mechanism theory and dynamical systems and control. This joint special issue of the Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics (JMR) and the Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics (JCND) aims to bridge between these research fields and to bring together the latest research on robot kinematics and dynamics as well as intelligent control and data-driven methods for perception, planning, model identification, and control. This joint special issue is a collection of 13 papers published in JMR and 10 papers published in JCND, respectively. The papers published in JMR address several of the main research topics in robot design, namely the design and control of agile and compliant robots intended for robust and safe interaction with its environment. The paper “Design, Calibration, and Control of Compliant Force-Sensing Gripping Pads for Humanoid Robots” introduces low-cost, lightweight, and compliant force-sensing gripping pads that enable smaller-sized humanoid robots to manipulate box-like objects. In “Dyno-Kinematic Leg Design for High Energy Robotic Locomotion,” technique for leg design for high energy robotic locomotion is presented that encodes desired dynamic features into the mechanical design. In the paper “Emerging Gaits for a Quadrupedal Template Model with Segmented Legs,” the gait stability of quadrupedal robots with articulated elastic legs is studied. The two papers “Stable Inverse Dynamics for Feedforward Control of Nonminimum-Phase Underactuated Systems” and “Experimental Safety Analysis of R-Min, an Underactuated Parallel Robot” deal with the operation of underactuated robots. In both papers, underactuation stems from the presence of compliant elements. Moreover, introducing compliance is becoming an important design approach which is the topic of the three papers “Kinetostatic Modeling of Continuum Delta Robot With Variable Curvature Continuum Joints,” “Design and Modeling Framework for DexTeR: Dexterous Continuum Tensegrity Manipulator,” and “Analysis of a Soft Bio-Inspired Active Actuation Model for the Design of Artificial Vocal Folds.” While the first two papers address the design of robots that make use of inherently flexible components, the last paper exploits the compliance to mimic a biological system. Mechanical compliance is also the crucial feature exploited in the two papers “Flexible Long-Reach Robotic Limbs Using Tape Springs for Mobility and Manipulation” and “Control of Pneumatic Artificial Muscle Actuated Two Degrees-of-Freedom Robot Using PD-Based Pulse Width Modulation Strategy With Feed-Forward Outer Control Loop.” The first proposes an innovative actuation concept while the second proposes a novel control strategy for the established concept of pneumatic artificial muscles. A bio-inspired approach to modulating the compliance of a robot is presented in “Variable Stiffness and Antagonist Actuation for Cable-Driven Manipulators Inspired by the Bird Neck.” The paper “Robust Attitude Controller Design for an Uncommon Quadrotor With Big and Small Tilt Rotors” presents the modeling and robust control of a quadrotor UAV. The design innovation paper “Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Control of Stewart Platform With Parametric Simulation in ROS and Gazebo” presents a control method that uses a dynamics simulation for training deep network to control a parallel kinematics manipulator. The collection published in JCND has focused on assistive robots and on design and control of soft underactuated systems. The paper “Energy-Efficient Actuator Design Principles for Robotic Leg Prostheses and Exoskeletons: A Review of Series Elasticity and Backdrivability” provides an exhaustive overview of design principles for actuators used in prosthetic robotic systems. The important issue of using EMG for control of assistive devices is addressed in “Feasibility Study of Upper Limb Control Method Based on Electromyography-Angle Relation.” A new design concept for a prosthetic hand is presented in the paper “Novel Kinematics of an Anthropomorphic Prosthetic Hand Allowing Lateral and Opposite Grasp With a Single Actuator.” Designing and controlling robots to display a desired compliance is relevant in various applications. The design of inherently soft robots that can reconfigure to different shapes is presented in “Topology Design and Optimization of Modular Soft Robots Capable of Homogenous and Heterogenous Reconfiguration.” Compliance control of a space robot is addressed in the paper “FSTSMC Compliance Control for Dual-Arm Space Robot with SDBD Capture Satellite Operation.” The control of an underactuated flying robot with elastic attachments is presented in the paper “Design of a Sliding Mode-Adaptive PID Control for Aerial Systems with a Suspended Load Exposed to Wind Gusts.” The paper “Mechanical Design, Planning, and Control for Legged Robots in Distillation Columns” addresses the design of a dedicated arm mounted on a quadrupedal robot and the control of the system when navigating in narrow environments. The paper “Delay Effects in the Dynamics of Human Controlled Towing of Vehicles” investigates the stability of a control system representing the behavior of vehicle towing. Another paper dealing with control of underactuated robots is “Variational Principles for the Trajectory Tracking Control of Underactuated Mechanical Systems,” where underactuation is again due to the existence of elastic components in the robot. A crucial aspect of all simulation models, namely to calibration of existing models and the model reduction, is addressed in the paper “Using a Bayesian-Inference Approach to Calibrating Models for Simulation in Robotics.” The spectrum of contributions collected in this joint special issue by researchers from different fields is testimony to the importance of combining research in mechanical design, non-linear control, and dynamics simulation embracing modern methods from mechanism theory, non-linear dynamics, and control, as well as model-free data-driven approaches. We thank the authors who have submitted their work to this special issue, and the many reviewers that provided valuable peer review. We also thank Venkat Krovi, editor of the Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, and to Bogdan Epureanu, editor of the Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, who supported this special issue. Special thanks go to Amy Suski for her tireless support during all steps of the preparation, review, and production process. Copyright © 2023 by ASME
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2022 Reviewer Recognition3/1/2023 J. Comput. Nonlinear Dynam. Mar 2023, 18(3): 030201. The Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board of the Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics would like to thank all of the reviewers for volunteering their expertise and time reviewing manuscripts in 2022. Serving as reviewers for the journal is a critical service necessary to maintain the quality of our publication and to provide the authors with a valuable peer review of their work. Below is a complete list of reviewers for 2022. We would also like to acknowledge three outstanding Reviewers of the Year. Devendra Kumar—University of Rajasthan, India
Dan Negrut—University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA Jan Sieber—University of Exeter, UK Angelo Tusset—Federal University of Technology– Parana, Brazil
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![]() Guest Editorial (excerpt)J. Comput. Nonlinear Dynam. May 2022, 17(5): 050301. doi: It is with great pleasure that we bring to the readership of the ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics (JCND) a special issue dedicated to select papers from the 17th International Conference on Multibody Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, and Control (MSNDC), held during the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering (IDETC-CIE) Conferences (Online, Virtual) on Aug. 17–20, 2021. MSNDC is a premier meeting event for professional networking and research exchange across the multibody systems and nonlinear dynamics technical community and provides an international venue where our colleagues present an early glimpse into their highest-quality research. To adapt to the COVID-19 global situation, the 17th MSNDC conference was held virtually so that scholars, experts, and students around the world could still disseminate their latest research during the pandemic. Research PapersEnabling Artificial Intelligence Studies in Off-Road Mobility Through Physics-Based Simulation of Multiagent Scenarios
Aaron Young, Jay Taves, Asher Elmquist, Simone Benatti, Alessandro Tasora, Radu Serban, Dan Negrut J. Comput. Nonlinear Dynam. May 2022, 17(5): 051001. doi: An Alternative Formulation for Modeling Self-Excited Vibrations of Drillstring With Polycrystalline Diamond Compact Bits Kaixiao Tian, Emmanuel Detournay, He Zhang J. Comput. Nonlinear Dynam. May 2022, 17(5): 051002. doi: Singularity-Free Lie Group Integration and Geometrically Consistent Evaluation of Multibody System Models Described in Terms of Standard Absolute Coordinates Andreas Müller J. Comput. Nonlinear Dynam. May 2022, 17(5): 051003. doi: Model-Based Design and Optimization of Passive Shoulder Exoskeletons Ali Nasr, Spencer Ferguson, John McPhee J. Comput. Nonlinear Dynam. May 2022, 17(5): 051004. doi: A Study of a Pendulum-Like Vibration Isolator With Quasi-Zero-Stiffness Yishen Tian, Dengqing Cao, Yan Wang, Jie Tang, Bolong Jiang J. Comput. Nonlinear Dynam. May 2022, 17(5): 051005. doi: A Hybrid Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian Formulation for the Investigation of the Stability of Pipes Conveying Fluid and Axially Moving Beams Michael Pieber, Konstantina Ntarladima, Robert Winkler, Johannes Gerstmayr J. Comput. Nonlinear Dynam. May 2022, 17(5): 051006. doi: Boosting the Model Discovery of Hybrid Dynamical Systems in an Informed Sparse Regression Approach Nico Novelli, Stefano Lenci, Pierpaolo Belardinelli J. Comput. Nonlinear Dynam. May 2022, 17(5): 051007. doi: Modeling and Parameter Identification for a Flexible Rotor With Impacts Stefan Holzinger, Manuel Schieferle, Christoph Gutmann, Manfred Hofer, Johannes Gerstmayr J. Comput. Nonlinear Dynam. May 2022, 17(5): 051008. doi: Reduced Order Modeling of Deformable Tire-Soil Interaction With Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Christopher C. Sullivan, Hiroki Yamashita, Hiroyuki Sugiyama J. Comput. Nonlinear Dynam. May 2022, 17(5): 051009. doi: A Reduced and Linearized High Fidelity Waveboard Multibody Model for Stability Analysis A. G. Agúndez, D. García-Vallejo, E. Freire, A. Mikkola J. Comput. Nonlinear Dynam. May 2022, 17(5): 051010. doi: Numerical and Experimental Investigations on Cross-Sensitivity Characteristics of Instrumented Wheelset Associated With Longitudinal Force and Lateral Contact Position Takatoshi Hondo, Takayuki Tanaka, Shoya Kuniyuki, Mitsugi Suzuki J. Comput. Nonlinear Dynam. May 2022, 17(5): 051011. doi: A Polynomial-Chaos-Based Multifidelity Approach to the Efficient Uncertainty Quantification of Online Simulations of Automotive Propulsion Systems Hang Yang, Alex Gorodetsky, Yuji Fujii, K. W. Wang J. Comput. Nonlinear Dynam. May 2022, 17(5): 051012. doi:
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ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics
ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics Robots are complex, controlled, dynamical systems that interact with their environments. Novel robot concepts were developed in recent years, such as cable-driven platforms, agile parallel manipulators, lightweight robots, and inherently compliant manipulators, with applications ranging from medical devices, cobots and exoskeletons to machine tools, autonomous platforms for inspection and maintenance, and space robots. Future robots need to be responsive; they must (inter)act safely, minimize the use of resources (energy, material, process-, development-, and commissioning-time), and adapt to variations in demands and environmental conditions. The key to a reliable design of such robotic systems is holistic design approaches embracing kinematic synthesis, dynamic analysis, control, sensory perception, and adaptability. The mechanical embodiment, as the starting point of any robot design, must be designed together with control, actuation, and sensory components. Novel mechanical design principles combining high-fidelity kinematic and dynamic models with data-driven methods are applied along with model-free machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) methods. The foundation is a synergetic combination of research in mechanism theory and dynamical systems and control. This Joint Special Issue (published over two volumes, one in each sponsoring journal) aims to bridge these research fields and bring together the latest research on robot kinematics and dynamics as well as intelligent control and data-driven methods for perception, planning, model identification and control. Topic Areas • Holistic approaches to design, analysis, and control of mechanisms and robots • Physical human-robot interaction (pHRI) • Industrial robots, Cable-driven robots and platforms • Legged and humanoid robots • Robots equipped with series-elastic actuators (SEA) • Intrinsic and extrinsic sensors for compliant robots • Soft and continuum robots • Embodied and mechanical intelligence • Model-based and robust control • Physics-based AI, data-driven and combined approaches to robot dynamics and control Publication Target Dates Paper Submission Deadline: Extended to June 13, 2022 Initial Review Completed: Extended to November 15, 2022 Decisions Due: Extended to February 15, 2023 Joint Special Issue Publication Date: Extended to June 2023 Submission Instructions Papers should be submitted electronically to the journals at If you already have an account, log in as author and select Submit Paper at the bottom of the page. If you do not have an account, select Submissions and follow the steps. In either case, at the Paper Submittal page, select the ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics or the ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics and then select the Joint Special Issue Design and Control of Responsive Robots. Please note that in order to balance the Joint Special Issue between journals, Editors-in-Chief may recommend that a paper be transferred from one journal to the other. Final decisions about any transfer will be made in consultation with the Corresponding Author. Papers received after the deadline or papers not selected for inclusion in the Joint Special Issue may be accepted for publication in a regular issue. Guest Editors Andreas Müller, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria, [email protected] Jozsef Kovecses, McGill University, Canada, [email protected] Charles Kim, Bucknell University, USA, [email protected] Chandramouli Padmanabhan, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India, [email protected] Gabor Orosz, University of Michigan, USA, [email protected] |