Alper Erturk
Alper Erturk is the Carl Ring Family Chair & Professor in the Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech. His theoretical and experimental research interests are in linear and nonlinear dynamics, vibration, and acoustics of passive and active structures for a broad range of engineering problems. He is a recipient of many awards including an NSF CAREER Award (in dynamical systems), ASME C.D. Mote Jr. Early Career Award (in vibration & acoustics), ASME Gary Anderson Early Achievement Award (in adaptive structures & material systems), SEM James Dally Young Investigator Award (in experimental mechanics), and numerous journal/conference best paper awards including the Philip E. Doak Award of the Journal of Sound and Vibration. He served as an Associate Editor for various journals and is currently the Editor-in-Chief of Smart Materials & Structures. He holds Invited/Adjunct Professor positions at Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI) and at Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST). He is a Fellow of ASME and SPIE.